Hjælp til FashionDeluxe
Forsendelse & levering
Alle varer sendes fragtfrit til levering i Danmark når du køber for mere end 399 kr.
Der er fri fragt på ALLE varer når du køber for mere end 399kr - dette gælder også udsalgsvarer.Køber du for 399kr eller mindre er der billig fragt på 35kr til en valgfri GLS pakkeshop.
Forsendelse - Hvornår og hvordan modtager jeg min varer?
Alle ordrer modtaget inden kl. 14 på hverdage, afsendes samme dag. Der kan komme undtagelser pga. af travlhed ved udsalg og kampagner, hvor der kan være lidt længere leveringstid. Vi stræber efter at levere din bestilling inden for 1-2 hverdage med forbehold for forsinkelser hos vores transportører. Vil du være sikker på at modtage din bestilling dagen efter, skriv da evt. en kommentar i bemærkningsfeltet i checkout.Så snart vi har afsendt dine varer, modtager du en forsendelsesbekræftelse per e-mail. Her finder du et link til tracking-nummeret på din vare.
Vi anvender GLS til leveringer i Danmark. Du bestemmer selv om du vil have din pakke leveret til et afhentningssted (pakkeshop) i nærheden af din bopæl, eller du kan vælge at få din pakke leveret på dit arbejde, eller til din privat adresse.
Vælger du GLS Privat flex-levering accepterer du som kunde at pakken må afleveres ved at blive henstillet på den anførte adresse, f.eks. i carporten, eller hængt på din boligs hoveddørs dørhåndtag i en plasticpose, hvis der i forbindelse med afleveringen ikke træffes personer på adressen, som pakken kan afleveres til, eller pakken ikke kan afleveres i din postkasse/brevsprække.
Det er muligt at annullere din ordre indtil 1 time efter ordren er lagt - dette skal ske på tlf. 6590 4589. Herefter er det ikke længere muligt at annullere ordren.
International customers - Levering uden for Danmark
1. Shopping outside Denmark on FashionDeluxe.dkFashionDeluxe.dk is a Danish webshop selling designer clothes for both women and men. All information in the webshop is written in danish. FashionDeluxe.dk is approved by the danish e-commerced foundation, which means you can shop safe and secure on our webshop. We also have the approval of PBS also called NETS, which is Denmark's largest supplier of credit cards and payment systems.
2. Prices
All prices are quoted in Danish Kroner´s (DKK)
3. Payment
FashionDeluxe.dk accept most foreign credit cards. If you want to transfer the money directly to our bank account, you must contact customer service at info@fashiondeluxe.dk or by phone +45 6590 4589.
4. Postage
All orders over DKK 1.500 excl. VAT (200 EURO) are send free of charge.
All orders under DKK 1.500 (200 EURO) the system will automatically charge 30 EURO.
5. Delivery
All orders are shipped with GLS Denmark or the Danish Postal Service. All orders received before 2 pm on weekdays, are shipped the same day - orders received after 2 pm will be shipped the next day.
If you place an order from a country inside EU, danish VAT will automatically be added.
If you place an order from a country outside EU, danish VAT will automatically be deducted.
6. Customer Service
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service by e-mail info@fashiondeluxe.dk or by phone +45 6590 4589.
7. Return and Exchange items
At FashionDeluxe you can return any item within 30 days of receipt. This gives you the possibility to try your item at home and return it if you are dissatisfied with the itme you bought. All you need to do is to leave a copy of your order confirmation together with the item, and go to your post office and forward the item you wish to return to us. If you are just returning the item to change it to another size, we will send the size that you request if it is on stock, as quickly as possible. Your 2 weeks of right of return begins the day that you receive the package. Remember that returning an item/order is at the customer´s own risk.
The customer must pay return postage. If you return items from a country outside the EU, we ask you to always send the items as a present or with an invoice attached to the outside of the parcel
When you return your order, and if you do not want to exchange it, your money will be repatriated to the credit card used when ordering, within 30 days. Forward the unworn item, with the hang-tag and in intact packaging, to us at the following address:
Hestehaven 21 K,
5260 Odense S
Marked "RETURN"